Recreus FilaFlex Filament Magenta – 1,75 mm – 0,5 kg

Filaflex from Recreus is as the name implies a very flexible filament. So flexible that it expands 700% before it breakes. It is the most elastic filament you can find for 3D printers. Mobile phone case, bicycle handle, rubber bears, bracelet… you name it. If you want to print soft, flexible objects, you have found the right one!

  • FilaFlex is an extremely elastic TPE with a polyurethane base
  • The material adheres to PLA, ABS, PETG and Nylon which make it possible to compose prints with both hard and soft materials in the same object

179.50 kr

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Filament dimension


Shore hardness(A)


Tensile strength

Manufacturer part number

Material weight

Material variety

Colour name


Colour attribute

Heated bed

Printing temperature


Diameter tolerance


Print speed

Impact resistance

Manufacturer label


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